My policy on gift giving is to gift what the person wants but would never buy for him or herself. It need not be expensive nor difficult to find, but it should make the person feel special, be lots of fun, or make life easier in some way. For example, one year my sister gave my mother an E-pass to zip through the tolls on the hi-way, makes life easier; and made more meaningful since my mother thinks that an E-pass is a luxury, so it made her feel special. She is of the war generation.
Living in the PH, there are many whose simple needs are not met. Friend C introduced us to the Sisters of Charity in Antipolo who take in orphans and abandoned children. She was to host a Christmas party for them, and the Mother Teresa nuns asked, as gifts, for shorts for the little boys and slippers for the toddlers. Turns out that the less than 2 year olds would stare longingly at the playground but were not allowed to play as they had no slippers, and the cement would cut their tiny feet.
So shorts and slippers we sent, and they were very happily received.

Merry Christmas! May you find a quiet patch of peace this coming year.
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