Shibuya crossing is five minutes from where I am staying. It's a crazy place, thousands of people crossing the four way stop every 3.5 minutes.
Glad to be back. Now the real work starts. Of processing, editing, editing some more, and then editing again. At the end of which, do I make prints, or do just guerilla slideshow? Shot a bunch of polaroids and color negatives. Am very happy with how they came out. The polaroids were actually Fuji wide angle Instax, it was incredible fun. The colors are so saturated that they can only be unreal.
And the color negatives... sigh. I AM IN LOVE with my Leica. From the first time I shot it many years ago, to today, I've not experienced the same happiness with my pictures from any other camera. I always think I am not shooting right, wanting to pull back or move closer, or change the setting. Plus, the silent click of the shutter is so unassuming and the old boxy body is so low key that I've had bigger SLR boys look down on my single fixed lens on a film camera.
But when the negatives come out, makes me Happy. Something about film, the photograph is something you can walk into, it has a 3D quality to it. With digital photographs, the photograph is sitting on the paper, it is not in the paper. I can't really explain it, but you know what I mean. Anyway, the Leica M6 that I am proud to carry is an awesome machine. Photo in this post and the one after done by it. I have had people stop me in the street here and say "beautiful camera Reica".
I know exactly what you mean. The Leica just has a certain feel, sound, weight, and, ne sais quoi. :-)