The PLDT internet connection has been down at work for the last three days. Reports have it that the whole street and surrounding areas have been affected. The reason given: Eleksyon na, nanakaw yung kable (It's election time, the cables have been stolen). This explanation, supposed to be taken seriously, is up there with "my dog ate my homework". But I believe it. We all believe it. We also have no water at work as the pump is being "rewound". I have no idea what that means, but we supposed to take this seriously too.
Explanations given, grudgingly accepted, but with no solutions offered nor ends for both problems in sight. Thing is, neither the internet people (PLDT) nor the water pump person (Romy, our "super" in the building who is about as efficient as a rusty nail, whom R has threatened to run him over if she sees him bleeding on the street) seem to think that the lack of communication nor the lack of water are Problems.
On other more amusing matters, Pope Ratz has 'taken control' of the religious order Regnum Christie and their lay arm Legionnaires of Christ in an attempt to address the sex abuse scandals. We've known for some time now, actually since relatives have been affiliated, that the founder and head of said ultra-right- right-wing-conservative-order-friendly-with-Pope JP2 is a convicted Pedophile from Mexico with a history of not only molesting children, but fathering a number of puro panganays (first borns). Really, the stink is within.
Having grown up surrounded by another ultra-right-wing-conservative-order-friendly-with-Pope JP2, makes me really happy to know that my friends and I never really bought into the whole fire and brimstone, I am a sinner who deserves to be punished, life is about suffering mentality. Of course they tried to brainwash us with silly propaganda (sports such as soccer and volleyball are bad because they are harmful to the female reproductive organs), and threaten us with hell (because we crossed our legs in their chapels), but sorry we smarter than that. Way smarter.
Image: Leaves, Bashful by Eustaquio, oil on canvas, 2010, for the Silverlens booth, HKArt10, photo by RR
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