Welcome the feng shui, pronounced as 'fung suy', for Chinese New Year. The Year of the Ox is upon us. Depending on which horoscope you read, and your outlook on life (if you are a half full or half empty kinda person), the year might be good, better, bad, or worse than the last one.
I am not a religious believer in geomancy but hey it doesn't hurt. And a lot of it actually make sense from a logical point of view. It DOES make sense for energy to flow smoothly and circulate equally around a house. And it DOES make sense to get rid of things that are broken or do not work. That's why I really dislike storage spaces, they keep things, seen and unseen.
So this year, as a wood tiger, I am advised to concentrate on familiar territory, avoid taking risks in business, pay close attention to the advise of colleagues as it is a year of teamwork. Which is fairly sound advice that everyone should heed. Some articles say this is going to be a very bad year for finances, but a good year for relationships; some say it will be a bad year but not the worst for tigers, and it will be the worst for sheep... poor sheep.
Last year, BV sent us T the fung suy to look at the house and our place of work. I was told I was unlucky for the next 8 years but it will be offset by R who is lucky forever. Lucky forever because she's got me!!!
So on this first day of the Chinese New Year, I wish you all luck forever.
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