I go and visit them every New Year. As I visit on birthdays and death anniversaries. A report of sorts I give to the ones that matter the most: about the year that passed (it was financially a mess for the world), and the year that is coming (we hope it gets better); about siblings (brother still stuck abroad) and other relatives (cousin's daughter now showing work at my gallery); and the mundane (it was really cold this morning). I also give a status report on how far I have come vis a vis from when they were alive.
Today I spent some time 'speaking' with an aunt who died quite unexpectedly of sepsis at the age of eighty something. Unexpectedly because she was to fly south to file her candidacy for Mayor, the document she actually signed the day she died. Today was her fifth death anniversary and there was a Mass going on for her when I got there. Anyway, she had a non-healing wound on her foot for a couple of years which didn't seem to bother her but it did everybody else. I saw her on Christmas Day 2003 with her foot up on a stool as she was handing out money to well wishers who visited her at home. She said she wasn't feeling too well but still was flying out the next day. She ended up checking into the hospital and passed away less than a week later.
So, 'speaking' with Tita...Asked how she was doing (no answer), asked if she was watching over her kids (strong wind), asked if things were better up there (very strong wind), asked if she could go after a son of a friend of hers who owes me money (very very strong wind). Thanks Tita. Will visit you again soon and let you know if we got paid.
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