Thursday, January 15, 2009


We no longer exist, and apparently, on paper never did.
I wonder if the mastermind of this ever got her due.


  1. What do you you mean you "no longer exist"? Wha?

    That is sad.

    And did you get my FB message...?


  2. hi Carlos -- This is a picture of the EF Board. We were invited to be part of the foundation which focused on women's causes ranging from health to microfinance to culture, so for four years we (all hardworking and some high profile) met monthly to organize projects, share contacts, and donate time; fulfilling much of their companies Corporate Social Responsibilities. Only to find out after the company reorganized, that we were unrecognized by the company (and did not really exist) and tagged a marketing expense, as a brainchild of a manipulative manager. So of course feeling used to high heavens, resignations flew around the table. And now I wonder if manipulative manager got her due. But I don't think so because I still see her picture splashed all over MA's columns.

    No did not get FB message... what's up?

  3. if a picture paints a thousand words, would we really still need to write? two "ex-men" in my life lost parents last year. i've been wanting to drop a line, with the thought of reassruing them that our parents may be dead, but those we love never really leave. friends have said, "huwag na, may mga asawa na sila." those friends still have both parents. maybe they just don't get it.
